Waiting for Winter

After a year of weird weather, recent reports have confirmed that 2014 has been the warmest on record.

While it might seem like the possibility of snow is getting more and more unlikely every year, the UK’s unpredictable climate means that you really never know when the white stuff is going to fall.

Bookies are slashing the odds for a White Christmas and while we’ve no doubt that many of you would happily wake up to find your garden thickly laden with snow on the 25th, your garden may not be so pleased with the appearance of snow.

Here at Nomow we know all too well how damaging ice and snow can be to the health of your grass. Snow mould, and fractured grass leaves can disfigure the form of your lawn and the damage can last for a long time after the snow has thawed. Snow damage can be extremely visible to natural grass, and severely damaged areas of your lawn may need time consuming reseeding and extensive fertilizing.

Fortunately, we have a snow proof alternative!

By investing in an artificial lawn you can enjoy the fun and beauty of snow without worrying about the damage it might be doing to your turf.

Turf from Nomow is built to last come rain, shine or frost. Its drainage system means that even in extreme conditions, snow and ice simply melt into it without disrupting the colour or appearance, leaving it lush and green all year round.

While we can’t guarantee when a big freeze will make an appearance, we can assure you that you will continue to benefit from an artificial lawn all year round!

Nomow have over 20 years knowledge and experience to ensure you have the absolute best alternative to real grass. Nomow can be applied to any surface and provides the perfect solution to any ‘problem’ areas, where natural grass is not practical.

For more information on any of our products don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of the Nomow team or contact us to book your FREE, no obligation appointment. Complete your details on our website and we’ll get in touch to arrange a time to suit you, alternatively ring us on Freephone 0800 587 0380.