Preparing your Garden for Winter

Garden’s give us all plenty of pleasure over the spring and summer seasons, however if they are looked after properly they can keep doing the same over the autumn and winter months.

Just as you maintain your garden in spring and summer, it’s a good idea to prepare your garden properly for winter to keep it looking nice and ensuring plants and shrubs are protected. During winter it may appear that activity in your garden has stopped, however there’s a lot going on underground such as root growth and active worms and microbes.

How do I prepare my garden for winter?

This depends on the size of your garden and some of the unique features but here are our top-tips for winterising the common garden;

  • Give your lawn a good mow, remove any moss, aerate it and give it a good feed and fertilise
  • Jet-washing your decking, your artificial grass, your driveway or patio to reduce the build up of moss over winter and make things safer and cleaner
  • Net over your ponds to make sure that leaves and refuse don’t end up in there
  • Protect delicate plants and ensure that don’t fall victim to frost. Pay particular attention to perennials, bulbs, trees and roses
  • Make sure you’re greenhouse can get the most amount of light by removing any shading. Also give it a good tidy up and clean inside so it’s not harboring any diseases or pests
  • Clear out your compost bins and water butts and clean up your garden equipment
  • Protect and tidy away your garden furniture to make sure it looks clean and tidy for next year
  • Think about the wildlife in your garden – put feeders out for birds, squirrels and hedgehogs (in safe places- away from cats)

However, you could cut your time down by choosing artificial grass…

Installing an artificial grass lawn will significantly reduce the time required with these tasks, as well as the ongoing maintenance required over the winter months. Doing so will mean;

  • You don’t have to mow your lawn before winter
  • You don’t have to scarify your lawn before winter
  • You don’t have to put a costly treatment on your lawn before winter
  • You won’t end up with a muddy mess over the winter months

Importantly you’ll have a clean, usable space over the winter months so you can relax and enjoy your garden and your kids can play outside during the winter months.

For more information on artificial grass and how it can benefit you over the winter months, give us a call.