Lesson Plan

Split the children into groups and give them an egg per group. Then, using a makeshift wall like a box, ask them to drop the egg (Humpty Dumpty) off the wall, so that he lands on:



Observe and note down what happens to the egg on different surfaces.

Lesson Plan

Understanding of the World

Ask the children what they predict will happen before the experiment.

This can be written down beforehand as their scientific prediction.

You can also talk about the importance of using the same box and dropping the egg from the same height, as this ensures a fair test.

Ask the children why simply dropping the egg from their hands won’t produce a fair test.

Child Thinking

Once the children have conducted their experiments, they’ll be able to identify some of the different properties of the different surfaces.

They’ll be able to see how hard surfaces increase the likelihood of the egg breaking, whilst soft surfaces decrease this likelihood.

This is also a great opportunity to potentially talk about gravity and forces.

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“Research has found that when a child knows eight or more nursery rhymes by heart, at the age of 4, that they are usually one of the best at reading and spelling in their class by the age of 8!”

As well as being low-cost, this lesson is a fantastic opportunity to get the children outside in the fresh air and learning outside the classroom.

Hopefully Humpty Dumpty won’t break on one of our safety surfaces!


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