Artificial Lawns Are Evergreen All Year Round

If there’s one thing the great British seasons aren’t good for, it’s the urban lawn.

When it finally stops raining and the sun comes out we want to rush outside with the picnic rug and enjoy every second, but often the reality is that we’re faced with weeds, patches or simply a muddy bog.

Unfortunately, the weather doesn’t always act the way it should and its effect on natural grass can create a big impact on our plans at home.

So what’s the answer?

Its simple, artificial grass can withstand extreme weather conditions throughout the year – from the warm summer, which leaves natural turf dry and parched, to the icy winter where your lawn most closely resembles a concrete surface – artificial grass remains completely unaffected, keeping its texture and appearance whatever the time of year. Come rain or shine, kids and pets can play outdoors without you worrying about muddy footprints traipsing back through the house, leaving you to relax.

While many households in your neighbourhood are battling with brown, dying turf with the change of season, the grass will be a lot greener on the other side of the fence. Yours!

New technological advancements in recent years mean that the quality of artificial lawns has significantly improved. They look as lush and green as the real thing all year round and you can utilise your garden whatever the season without being concerned about watering, trimming, mowing and fertilizing etc. Maintaining a garden with real grass will involve a lot of time, cost and effort, but the durable material that makes up artificial grass is ideal, ensuring a maintenance-free, evergreen environment all throughout the year.