What is a Water Footprint?

Controlling your water footprint is one of the most important things you can do. More people are becoming aware of the dangers and consequences that can happen by using too much water and as a result, they are changing their ways. Read on if you want to make a change and help reduce your water footprint.

What is a water footprint?

A water footprint is the amount of water you use at home, at work or at school every day. The water used ranges from running a bath, having a glass of water or using water to cook with. Every time you run the tap, your water footprint is affected. However, surprisingly the majority of your water footprint is made up of virtual water. Even though you can’t see this water, it is in products you buy, water saved by recycling and the energy you consume.

Is controlling my water footprint important?

Your water footprint is extremely important and vital to life. The population is continuing to grow, and countries that are thriving and becoming more prosperous, such as China and India, are putting more pressure on their water supply. Experts predict that by 2030, the demand for water worldwide will outstrip the supply by 40 per cent.

What can I do to stop?

Appreciate water more. Without water, we would not be able to survive. The main thing is to be warier of your water footprint and begin to act. If you have a leak in your house, fix it! A leak in households can waste around 10,000 gallons of water a year which increases your water bill by 12%. You do not have to change your ways drastically; switching of the tap while brushing your teeth or switching off the shower while you lather will help reduce your water footprint significantly.

Artificial grass installation has increased by 500 percent in California since the state put a ban and implemented a fine to stop people from watering their lawn. Now, people are taking their water footprint more seriously and the usage of water over the next few years will hopefully decrease.

Call Nomow today, and start making your lawn environmentally friendly.