#NomowPlay – Back to School fun

After weeks of playing out in the garden, going to the park with friends and enjoying the freedom of the summer holidays making sure children get back into a routine can sometimes be difficult. Going back to school shouldn’t be a dreaded thought by children which is why we’ve put together a few fun games to help them get back into the swing of things.

School Timetable

To get children organised and ensure they know exactly what classes they have when it’s a good idea to get creative by letting them decorate their own timetables. This gets the children thinking about their schedules whilst getting them to be creative and enjoying themselves.

Get them talking

A great way to get children to bond and get to know each other is by allowing them to talk about everything they did over the summer holidays – you could also get them to draw their favourite activity and tell the class about why it was their favourite.

Show & Tell

Who doesn’t love a good Show and Tell day? Get the pupils to bring in an object that they’ve bought over the summer, a souvenir from their holidays or just something interesting they want to share with their friends. Some children may even wish to bring in a musical instrument and perform for their classmates.

For the Older Ones

This game works best with older students – ask them to bring in a baby picture of themselves to put up on aboard. You can then get the class to match the baby picture to the student. This will get everyone laughing and also help spark conversation regarding their childhood photos.

If you have any other fun ideas get in touch!
